Submissions Deadline

Submissions Deadline

Dear Authors … Petro yuanAviation attorneyJames hazeldine play youtubeplay youtubeCapital one.complay youtubePort offersPort offersxvideos play youtubeJames hazeldinePort offers play youtubeCapital one.comPort offersxvideosAviation attorneyPetro yuanplay youtube Petro yuan play youtubeCapital one.comPort offersJames hazeldineplay youtubePort offersplay youtubexvideosAviation attorney Greeting from ICES 2023 …

ICES delegates to announce UEPA as a new partner in 2023

ICES delegates to announce our a new partner in 2023, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogic Academy (UEPA). The international cooperation will include, hosting a keynote speakers, workshops, and other scientific contributions. Petro yuanAviation attorneyJames hazeldine play youtubeplay youtubeCapital one.complay youtubePort offersPort offersxvideos …

Previous Conference event

The previous successful version of this event was under the name of ” 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Science ” ICES which held on 26 -27 / 05 / 2021 – Al-Samawa city. All accepted papers were published in …